Weigh in #10, geocaching, and perpetual soreness

This weeks weigh in is a little late. Busy weekend. Keep reading!

Weigh in #10

I wouldn’t even really consider this week a weight loss as it’s so small but it’s not a gain so I’m chalking this one up to a success! My calorie intake was fine. I think it’s the microwave popcorn I ate the day before my weigh-in. Let me rephrase that: I went to the movie’s (Alice in Wonderland 3D) and snuck in 1.5 bags of microwave popcorn (and some fruit of course). The reason I think it’s salt/water retention is because I flushed out my system yesterday and saw a significant loss this morning. However I’m not using it as my weigh-in weight since Saturdays are the days and today is not Saturday!

First the picture:

Now the numbers:

  • Week 1 = 257.4 (-6.1)
  • Week 2 = 255.0 (-2.4)
  • Week 3 = 254.6 (-.4)
  • Week 4 = 253.8 (-.8) *I started c25k
  • Week 5 = 248.2 (-5.6)
  • Week 6 = 247.2 (-1.0)
  • Week 7 = 246.2 (-1.0)
  • Week 8 = 244.4 (-1.8)
  • Week 9 = 241.0 (-3.4)
  • Week 10= 240.6 (-.4)

That brings my total up to -22.9.

I reached my goal of 240 so I did just what I said I was going to do in weigh-in #9 which is buy myself a pair of pants. In case you’re wondering what kind of pants…keep reading!


I bought a new pair of hiking pants as my reward for hitting 240! Then I went geocaching for 4 hours this past Saturday. It was just about the most fun ever! My friend Heidi is an avid geocacher and took me on an awesome series. I’m not sure of the mileage covered but after 4 hours of nothing but hunting and walking I’d say I covered at least 10 miles (AT LEAST). I was so tired (and sore) that it gave me a good reason to move my running days to Monday, Wednesday, Friday instead of Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday.  What a great way to get a great workout!

Perpetual soreness:

Not that this is a bad thing. I’m just always sore. Especially the back of my thighs and calves after sitting for long periods of time (and unfortunately my work has me doing just that). Some days (like Sunday) I’m sore enough in my muscles that I fore-go any type of exercise. I think the most exercise I did on Sunday was to go to my local Metropolitan market to pick up some Sole and organic veggies.

Today was a run day. Week 6 day 1 of c25k. I am 8 sessions away from graduating. I am so gonna buy me one of those shirts.

Lots of people are inquiring about whether or not I’ve picked a 5k to run. The answer is no, not yet. I’m not ready. Both physically and mentally. I want to finish the c25k and then run 3 x week at 30 minutes for a few weeks to build up stamina. I may pick one as my graduation “gift” but it would be in the Summer time before it was happening (Or at least late Spring).  When I do run, I’ll be wearing that shirt up there for sure!!!

14 comments to Weigh in #10, geocaching, and perpetual soreness

  • You should definitely buy yourself on of those shirts. It’s something to be proud of.

    I have a friend who’s big into geocaching. I’ve never done it, but it sounds like it would be fun. Definitely has the potential to be great exercise.

  • congrats on hitting 240 and it is so a loss..nearly a half pound. Of fat. off your body…Take a half pound of butter and set it on the counter and look at it….You took that much fat off your hind end.
    Good job.
    Enjoy the new pants…you earned it.

  • When you need to do that 5K stamina training, let me know. I’ll make it the weekly challenge again and do it with you.

    My god, I was so tired today.

    But great on the small loss! Any loss counts. Plus you saw Alice. How was it?

    And about being sore from sitting, if you can find an excuse to leave the desk (bathroom break, snack break, water break) go for like a 10 minute walk. It’ll improve your circulation and should help with the soreness 🙂

    • I resorted to stretching in my cubicle….on the floor. As soon as someone says “what are you doing” I’m going to reply “getting healthy..what are you doing?”

      AiWL was fantastic. If you see it…do it in 3D for sure.

      I think I’m running a 12 minute mile at this point (slowpokey!) it’s going to take me a while to get up to an actual 5k…RAWR! I’ll get there!

  • Awesomeness all around for you! I need to learn more about geocaching, both you and Kelly talk about it, sounds like fun 🙂

  • Once I got really rolling on my weight-loss journey, I found I’d alternate between good weeks and what I considered mediocre ones, even though I couldn’t really account for the differences on the scale. I was eating the same, exercising the same. I think it’s just part of the mystery of how we are. The body hangs on to weight, and grudgingly gives it up once it recognizes that we’re damned serious about this pursuit.

    And as soon as you quit being sore, that means it’s time to shift it into a new gear!

    • Thanks Jack! It means a lot to me that you’d swing by and leave a comment. I am pretty damn serious about this pursuit and I am grateful to have people like you that forged the way for me.

  • jord

    Popcorn does the same thing to me. To paraphrase (or completely butcher) Dr. Seuss, “a loss is a loss, no matter how small”. Congrats!

  • seattlerunnergirl

    Amen to the “loss is a loss” comments! I love looking at my losses in butter. Really puts it into perspective for me. Congrats on making it to 240 and how fun about the geocaching! I’ve never been but I have some friends who are really into it.

    Iron Girl has a great 5K around Greenlake in September if you’re interested!

    I’m almost always sore and I think that’s just a sign that I’m working hard. There’s a line between that and being in pain or “too sore,” you know? Keep up the great work!

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