When the whole is broken…

Have you ever woken up from a dead sleep and wondered “how in the world did I get here?” More importantly you wondered “how in the world do I get out of here?”

I can’t tell you how many times this happened to me.

What I can tell you is how many […]

San Francisco (aka putting my life into action)

A funny thing happened while on this LCJ.

I’ve learned how to live.

One of the most amazing things about waking up one morning and deciding that weighing 263 pounds was not where I wanted to be any longer is figuring out that this stopped being about ONLY losing weight fairly quickly […]

Pre OWiS #25 week in review!

It’s that time again.

Time where I review my week in anticipation of tomorrow OWiS. This will be #25 since starting this journey. This week has seen some great accomplishments and yet tonight I feel out of sorts. I was supposed to meet with Superman today but he had to cancel at the […]

Food as part of the solution, not the problem / Pre-OWiS week in Review

Dang it!

Its Friday already.

Seriously, did someone come here and steal my week cause I’m not sure what happen to it. Seems I woke Monday and then BAM its Friday. I tried to look for a pause button on this crazy ass week but I guess I accidentally put it in […]

One mile madness / Tractor Tires / Fog is clearing

In anticipation of meeting with Superman today, forging a summer long training schedule and being pushed to a sweaty mess of muscle soreness, I woke up with a lot of anxiety . I decided that my one mile run was going to be faster today than it was last week which meant I was […]

24 hours later / a blog award

Oh man I am feeling so much better. It’s amazing what 24 hours away from an emotionally draining situation can do for your psyche. I slept pretty damn good. I’ve easily consumed my gallon of water. My food intake has been healthy. I had a great session with Superman this morning. Hard to believe […]

In search of normalcy / 12.10 / picture proof.

*Deep sigh*

The last three days have been…well they just have been. I am walking around in a cloud of confusion and disappointment. Sadness and anger. I haven’t slept well. I haven’t eaten well. I’m definitely not drinking enough water. The only saving grace is I’ve been to the gym every morning and sweating […]

Wonder if what you say helps / Forging relationships / Revisiting an old enemy

Gah, I so need to catch up on blogs. So much is happening to everyone out there. Struggles and triumphs. Losses and gains. Frustrations and exhilaration. At the same time there is so much happening to me over here as well.

I’m taking another day to post because 3 really kick ass things […]

Pre OWiS week in review / 92 minute tally

I’m going to try and make it a habit to post a week in review the night before my OWiS. I think it’s important to remember this journey is no longer about numbers (though them moving in the right direction is always an added bonus).

It’s about taking control of my life and becoming the […]

Treadmill take 2 / my first challenge / then and now…

The weather has been relentless in these parts. Downpours, 50 mph winds, and 40 degree temperatures do not make for good running conditions for a newbie like me.

This morning was no exception. I don’t want to put off running just because of the weather so today I took a deep breath and […]