The picture says it all…

This is what I looked like  during my couch to 5k run / walk this morning. I’m not sure what happen but it went down something like this:

I got up this morning at 7am ( a little cranky from watching the season premier of  LOST) and promptly got on the computer. The excuse I used this morning was that my sweats and favorite hoodie needed to go through the dryer before I could do any sort of workout.  That gave me at least 40 minutes of facebook time. The second I got on the computer I could feel the wheels turning on how to talk myself out of doing the day’s c25k.

The dryer went off 40 minutes later and there I am still in the chair.

An hour after I get up (and 20 minutes after the dryer let me know it was time) I’ve finally gotten dressed and decided to do my run/walk on the treadmill because of the rain. 5 minute warm up goes well. First 60 / 90 interval goes well. Second interval goes fine but then I started to get hella emotional. My legs hurt, I’m sweating, and I just want to be back in bed. I’m mad at myself for weighing 249 lbs and finding it hard to accept that a 60 second jog is difficult task for me.

Interval 3 and 4 I cry like a baby ( trying to be quiet because my husband is still sleeping ). Interval 5 I get back to business. I’m still emotional but now I just want to prove to myself I can do this. I may be 249 pounds today but today is just 24 hours.

Dinner tonight is a foot long black forest ham from subway. I love subway and will enjoy every bite.

5 comments to The picture says it all…

  • Hey, I totally feel you. I haven’t broken down in tears yet, but I’ve wanted to. I’ve pressed on to week 3, and I’ll keep reading your blog and try to encourage you to do the same. It’s so worth it. It took me 5 weeks to get through 3 weeks, but I finally stopped huffing and puffing as badly as the first day, and I am so proud to have done it. I would have thought it was impossible a month ago. Keep it up and good luck!

    • Thanks so much for the words of encouragement. Tomorrow is my last week one run/walk. I did the first week twice everyday for the last 14 days (except one day off) to build up stamina. I’m changing that starting next week. I’ll go down to the 3 x a week run and focus doing more cardio on my non-run days.

      The fact that I got through the first week with minimal problems is quite amazing. Most times I didn’t even think I was really running until I passed some people that were walking and I was like “Oh hey there, I’m totally passing you!!!”…SWEEEEEET!

  • Your blog is such a great read! I clicked through from your comment on Tyler’s blog. Keep up the good work. I know it’s tough. I’m doin’ it, too!

  • Haha nice! Keep finding encouragement in every little thing (or big things). My dog walks as fast as I “run”, so I don’t have the pleasure of running past people but instead just trying to keep up with her while she walks. Fail.

    Keep it up though! You have an awesome attitude!

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