Thinking of you…

8 comments to Thinking of you…

  • I know you know. I know you understand. I know you still have days where the maintenance isn’t easy. This life changing journey isn’t easy. If it were easy it probably wouldn’t be worth it.
    Thank you for your big giant heart and for wanting to try and reach out and make this journey even the teensiest easier for all of us moving along and finding our way.
    I needed this today. Just like I need you everyday.
    Thank you for the reminders and for being you. Dork and all. I love you.

  • What Meegan said! I know you know, Tara, and that is why I follow you and consider you a friend and inspiration.

    I’ve been having a real tough time lately with the food and motivation. I watch and read things like this from you and it makes me want to get up and move, make better choices. This journey is hard….very hard, especially looking at it from where I am at now. I failed, I gained about 30 lbs back of the 53 I lost and it’s depressing. Ya know what though, I’m not giving up, and a YOU are a big reason for that.

    One day we will met and you’ll get the big hug I’ve been wanting to give you and Meegan for a while!

    I love you two ROCKSTARS!

  • Thank you. I needed this today as well. So much of this journey is a mental exercise for me. Today I almost let my head win more than once during my 5 mile run. I wanted to quit. I even got off a few times, but I finished. I just had to remind myself that there will be good days/runs and there will be bad days/runs but at the end of the day I am still moving forward.
    Thank you, again.

  • Erin

    You are so awesome. Thanks for being someone who “gets it.”

  • What a heart felt sweet post, made me want to cry with you. Made me miss you too. Hope your msg reached many people and helped them just do something today for themselves that made them feel good about themselves.

  • Tara

    It was for me….I didn’t think it was going to be, but it was for me. I have been locked in a battle with the private and public self. Publicly, I eat right and have all the right answers about working out. Of course, everyone must know I’m full of shit because of the extra 45lbs I have packed on in the last year. I’m guessing I should be grateful for their kindess to not say what they must be thinking. Privately, I find any and every excuse to eat foods that make me feel like crap. I hide the evidence from the ones who love and accept me the most to spare the dissapoint…I’m excellent at making myself a martyr. I cop out to recent injuries and surgeries instead of just moving what I can when I can. I don’t want this life for me. In my head, I get grandiose pictures of athletic notions; only to have my body interupt. I am working on it…all of it. Thank you for being a safe place to spill over.

    **Most awesome name ever 🙂

  • Tara
    You need to know what this vlog means to me…just head over to my blog.

  • Thank you for being real, for thinking of us out here. It feels good to know you care.I care and wish the best and lots of motivation for you and Meegan, too. Real people, real feelings, real challenges, but also real successes and breakthroughs. Love you guys. Big hugs.

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