Things I love…

Okay so my last post was kind of a downer…

It happens. Life goes up and Life goes down.

I’d like to balance the down with a much deserved up.

Here are some things that I love.

My husband

Seriously, who couldn’t love that face? We’ve been together 8 years (married for 6) and it really does feel like I just met him. We’ve accomplished so much together…much of which wouldn’t have happened without the other.  I truly love this man with my entire being and will scratch a bitch’s eyes out if she tried to make a move on him.

My Niece

If you ever have someone in your life that makes life worth living, then you’ll know exactly how I feel about my niece. Nothing more needs to be said.

My dogs

Look at those faces. Couldn’t you just NOM NOM NOM on them looking all cute like that. Penny (black and white) is Pitbull/Sharpei and Mackenzie (brown and black and spotty all over) is Australian Cattle/Black and Tan coon hound. They act like little humans and I spoil them as such.

My Car

I didn’t learn how to drive until I was 32. When it came time to purchase my own car (I drove my husband’s honda accord for a long time), I went right to the dealership and picked this beauty. Drove her off the lot in ’06 and have been in love ever since. I named her Dusty.


Really a picture is all you need to explain my love for this tasty goodness.

The color Orange

A much underappreciated color. It is by far my favorite. Ask my friends and family. They will attest to this fact. Pretty much everything I own is orange. My car, many articles of clothing,  my shoes, my coffee thermos, my messenger bag. Someone has to love this color and I’ll gladly take on that responsibility.

My Profession

I am a sign language interpreter. I have been for almost 10 years. It’s what I wanted to do since I was a small child. Not many people can say they grew up to be what they wanted to be when they were little. It’s a very demanding job. Stressful. Physically demanding. Mentally draining. I love it and can’t really think of anything else I want to be (except a math teacher – and that may happen yet).


I think the world is a better place with the invention of lolcat. Nuff said.

And finally:


Because you take the time to come here and read about all my ups. All my downs. All my frustrations. All my triumphs. My sad posts. My happy posts. You’re here when the scale moves mountains and you’re here when the scale moves molehills. You take advice. You give advice. You walk this journey with me in both weight loss and life and for that I’m grateful.


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