(Talk Talk Talk, Explain Explain Explain)

stickfigurescommunicatingI’ve been having a hard time communicating.

Not just with the people around me but also with myself.

Over the last 3+ years blogging was the way I mainly communicated my thoughts and feelings to the world around me. It was (is) also the way I communicate with myself. For me it can take hours from the first word typed to hitting the “publish” button because as the words fly off my hands I’m digesting them. I’m thinking about them. I’m crying for them. I’m allowing the emotional Tara the freedom to feel, and maybe the most important thing: To let go.

I’ve not been allowing myself that freedom to feel. In part because some of those emotional “need to release” still stem from the accident two years ago that while it didn’t affect me physically because I didn’t come in contact with a truck in a crosswalk, it has seem to affected me much more emotionally than first realized (or probably more accurate never realized).

It was different blogging about my weight loss and subsequent life changes because most people reading the type type type of my words didn’t know Mitch. My thoughts and feelings had a safe haven because he couldn’t give two cents to social media and hardly a blink to the birth of 253andcounting and the graduation to ALifeChangingJourney. I could safely put my words out there for me to step back and ponder. Almost like walking into a vast open space and leaving behind something that I knew I could never find again so take a deep breath Tara and let it go because it’s gone now.

My life with Mimi is so intertwined with social media that when I take my dirty laundry and present it to the proverbial clothesline that is this blog, not only am I hanging out my underwear for the world (albeit population: not that big) to see/read but I’m hanging out a second pair of undies that regardless of how “clean” I try to show them to be, they’re just as dirty because now my shit(stain) is not just mine but ours.

I think about whether what I’m going to say is hurtful or be taken wrong.  I think about what others are going to think about this relationship (“Well they *hardly* knew each other before running off and getting married”, or “That’s what happens when you leave one marriage for another”) and how much that one very significant day in November 2011 impacted my life without being the one actually impacted in the crosswalk.

Yesterday found us sitting in an office.

A marriage counselor.

It hurts to say, but I am reminded by Mimi that we walked through that door because we WANTED to not because we NEEDED too. Still truth be told I feel like somewhat of a failure that I couldn’t keep the communication wheel spinning. That slowly I’ve drawn inward and over time kept the world blog at arm’s length because I didn’t want to work through something that I know is being read by the very person that looks me in the eyes and says “I love you”.

But the gears of Tara’s brain are grinding together and it’s difficult to process “stuff” when not only are you trying to force something to work that clearly isn’t but you aren’t using the tools that keep things running smoothly. It’s like trying to unscrew something with a piece of wet paper and the screwdriver is within arms reach.



(No you can’t)

So the counselor…

Funny part about sitting with someone that doesn’t know me as an individual or us as a couple, I forget how much there is to tell before you even get to the moment at hand.

“We’re here because we’re having a hard time communicating”

(talk talk talk, explain explain explain)

“You see, there was this accident”

(talk talk talk, explain explain explain)

“But in order to understand the impact of the accident, we need to explain how we met and our relationship”

(talk talk talk, explain explain explain)

“But in order to understand our relationship, we need to explain about our weight loss”

(talk talk talk, explain explain explain)

“Oh and just to make things interesting, I’m also on the trans spectrum and for shits and giggles the spectrum for Aspergers”

How you  like them apples counselor?

We spent the initial two hours letting her get to know us and our story and hitting on some key trigger spots (road bumps) in what brought us to be sitting next to each other and directly across from her. It wasn’t easy but it’s a start to getting that communication wheel back up and running.

Mimi said some things I wasn’t expecting and along with some of my own gear grinding assumptions about my running/training/blogging/(insert random assumption about whatever here) my eyes see a little clearer, my heart feels a little lighter and instead of drawing inwards towards myself, I’m going to allow myself to gnaw on the notion that maybe it’s time I start blogging a little more…

Even if it means you have to see two pairs of undies instead of just one.

5 comments to (Talk Talk Talk, Explain Explain Explain)

  • First of all — good on you. Good on you for being brave and open about what’s going on. It’s tough for bloggers sometimes, to put things out there when we start to worry about what other people are thinking/how they’re judging us. I get it. The thing is, no matter what you write, people are going to judge you regardless — it’s what humans do. I say better off letting them judge you on the truth of who you are and what you’re going through, than to judge you on assumptions and made-up beliefs.

    Also — good on you (and Mimi!) for going to a marriage counsellor. Marriage is tough, tough work. For everyone. The difference between a good marriage and a shitty one isn’t that good marriages never encounter challenges/difficulties. A good marriage is made up of two people who are willing to work through the challenges and difficulties that will inevitably come up. And that’s exactly what you two are doing.

    You are both brave, lovely people.

  • So very glad to read this post today.
    So very happily airing my unders on the public clothes line next to yours. (don’t care who sees ’em, don’t care who judges how big they are and if they’re not clean enough…because…

    I’m so very grateful you’re allowing yourself to use tools to work through stuff that I know helps you work through things.

    Blogging is such a big part of our how relationship came about, it makes absolute sense to me that we find ourselves full circle realizing that blogging may be the secret key for communication, not just for you (but for me too.)

    Your, Mimi

  • As someone who’s been following along for years even if mostly silently and currently going through a divorce, this hit home on many levels. I commend you guys for seeking counseling, it’s a real testament to how much you both mean to one another and that’s a beautiful thing. I wish you strength and light.

  • I am super proud of both of you.

  • Well, dear. I am once again in awe of your strength…although you may not be able to see it as that just yet.

    To stand before someone and say “This is what’s wrong with me. Love me anyway, please?” is a humbling experience.

    I’m proud of you for admitting that things aren’t all that o.k.

    And like I tell my son (a lot more often now)…It’s O.K. to not be O.K.

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