(sort of) guide to Fitbloggin12

We are just a few weeks away from packing up Dusty and heading back to the states for the much anticipated Fitbloggin12. It’s hard to believe it’s been close to a year and a half since the last time we were all converging onto Baltimore for what I would like to call “The biggest Hugfest/HighFiveFest” the world of fitness/healthy living/weight loss community had ever seen.

This year will be no different.

Except that I’ll be going as a return participant (and a much nervous co-facilitator of the “when you have a lot to lose“) and Meegan will be coming with me as a first time participant (and the other much nervous co-facilitator). I remember as I was getting ready in April 2011 I had no idea what to expect and more often than not wondered if I should even be going…did I belong at a conference where the focus was blogging about fitness…

This year I’m reading with anticipation all the tweets, and Facebook status updates on those that will be coming for the first time and I see myself in so many of them. Wondering if they belong because after all “I haven’t lost a lot of weight”, ” I’m not even close to goal weight”, ” I don’t have that many blog followers”, “I can’t run a 5k”, ” I’m not as popular as (insert your favorite blogger here)”, ” I am still overweight, obese, morbidly obese”, “I’ve gained some of the weight I’ve lost”….

Do you belong at Fitbloggin?


You’ve made the plans. Booked the flight, the hotel and found some roommates you are hoping will tolerate you for three days. You’ve looked at the schedule and pretty much ear marked everything you want to see and do (hopefully including our discussion on Saturday) but there’s so much more to Fitbloggin than just wanting to know how to build a better blog or a better YouTube channel.

This conference is about getting personal.

When I went last year I only had one thing on my “to-do” list and that was to thank the bloggers that had influenced me in one way or another while I was losing weight. I spent most of my time in awe of being in the same roomย conference with the very people I had gotten to know in 140 characters, through my own blog or through Facebook. If you were anywhere on my twitter feed and not attending fitbloggin11 then you’ll remember all of my videos that I posted as I was meeting people face to face for the first time.

The title of this blog post suggests a guide of some sorts. It’s not about what session to attend or what workout you should try to get in. It’s much more personal. It’s about what to expect when you first arrive and not sure what to do with yourself or how to approach someone that has influenced you in whatever way.

It’s the personal guide to Fitbloggin…

Fitbloggin will bring such an array of people in the fitness/healthy living/weight loss it can be a little overwhelming for the first timers. You’ll meet people that are there purely on a professional basis to either promote themselves, their blogs or a particular product. You’ll notice right away that a lot of people will be taking pictures of their food (it threw me off a little) or carrying around their laptops/ipads for those daily blog posts that they just couldn’t walk away from for a few days. You’ll meet people that are there purely for the fitness portion of the conference. Literally bouncing around from one work out to the other, changing into different outfits for the clothing line that is currently sponsoring them.

For the most part however, we’re all just coming together to meet face to face.

The best piece of advice I can give you is this: Don’t be afraid. If you want to meet someone that you’ve been dying to meet face to face, go up to them and let them know. Remember we’ve been looking at each other through 100 x 100 profile icons so recognition may not be immediate (or in some cases at all) so make sure to give them your twitter handle as you strike up a conversation. I only know some people by their twitter name and will feel really bad if I don’t recognize you without some help.

Funny story: I had been wanting to meet YumYucky for the longest time and looked forward to crossing her name off of my “hey I just want to say Thanks” list but when we finally met she had to introduce herself to me because I didn’t recognize her without a pumpkin on her head…true story!

Don’t be afraid to spend some quality time alone with people when the opportunity arises. Two of the most significant moments at Fitbloggin11 was the impromptu movie date with Cynthia Crowsen after just meeting. We both were feeling overwhelmed and needed some decompression time. We knew nothing of each other but left the conference with some pretty fantastic memories after watching Bridesmaids together. The other moment? Dinner/coffee date with the ever beautiful Susan Ito. I was so star struck meeting Susan I had no idea she would even want to spend time with me. I arrived in awe of her and left with a friendship solidified (don’t get me wrong I’m still in awe of her!).

Don’t be surprised if you are one of those people that other bloggers want to meet. I was so focused on who I was wanting to meet, I had no idea that there were actually people that wanted to meet me. It took me by surprise when someone approached me and said “Tara, you are on my “Thank you” list”…It’s very humbling.

Most important thing to remember about Fitbloggin is that for most of us it’s a very emotional experience. For me personally, this is one of the very few times when I am in a room full of people and feel like “they get me”. ย We get you. No matter where you are on your life changing journey we get you.

Stop asking yourself whether you belong…

I have a hug with your name on it.

And just because I think it’s important here’s a few things to know about me if we do get the chance to meet. I have Aspergers. For me it manifests itself in a variety of ways:

  • I sometimes make noises. If I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed or having anxiety about something you might hear a little grunt or moan come from me. It’s a way of staying focused. Almost like a finger snap but different. I won’t realize I’m doing it so if you hear me making noises don’t be alarmed (in fact feel free to join in on the grunting if you so wish).
  • I move a lot. If I’m standing still having a conversation you might notice me sway back and forth or brush my bangs off to the side a lot. It will especially happen in one on one conversations. You may also find me rocking back and forth while sitting. I won’t notice it so if you do just go ahead and strike up a conversation with me and it should stop.
  • You might see me wearing a panda hat or something else that seems a little “out of place”. It helps the anxiety when in social interactions.
  • My attention span is pretty much nil. We might be in the middle of a conversation and all of a sudden I’ll start talking about a totally different subject. Be prepared to talk about Unicorns…
  • I have a hard time looking people in the eye. If you are talking to me I might look off to the side. Trust me I am still paying attention. I have to use internal clues (mean I need to remind myself to participate) to keep a conversation going. You might ask me how I’m doing and I’ll tell you but then forget that I should then ask you how you are…please don’t think I’m not interested in what you’re saying. I need cues and I rely on other people for them.

22 comments to (sort of) guide to Fitbloggin12

  • EEEP! I’m so excited about FitBloggin’ that I’m already having a hard time containing it. I’m so glad you’ve already been there to tell me all of this in person so I know what to expect.
    And one thing that will be super different for you this year, and like calm some of your anxieties is that I will be right there with you, hanging onto your hand. (whether you like it or not. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    I’m trying to practice how I will share your hugs with everyone else and not die of jealousy. what I’m banking on is a helluva lot of group hugging going on to keep us both busy! xo

  • I’m going to and will definitely be looking for you, girl!
    (Have to admit, my eyes welled up a bit with sentiment and excitement reading this post)
    SO looking forward to it!

  • One more note: if you see a dude at Fitbloggin and he owes you money from last year, don’t go up to him and ask for it back. That makes you look so greedy!

  • Miz

    I love this. and you.
    shared on my FB
    hope thats ok.

  • I look forward to hopefully giving both you and Meegan a hug. I’ve been reading your blog since last years fitbloggin. Not even sure how I found myself here, through someone else’s blog I think ๐Ÿ™‚ but I liked what I read and kept coming back. See you both soon even if you won’t know who the heck I am lol.

  • I’ll be honest, Fitbloggin is ALL about the people for me. I could care less about the business of blogging, I just want to get my hug on. Hopefully you’ll reserve a hug for me, and like I left a comment to Meegan, maybe we can do a little dance together!

  • This will be my first Fitbloggin, and first fitness conference. I am both excited and nervous – i must admit i asked myself if i really belonged there. Thank you for this post – it has calmed the butterflies a little!

  • I’m going to be totally honest. I’m nervous. I have no idea if going to fitbloggin is the right decision or not. I’m throwing caution to the wind and spending a fortune on flying to the States FOR JUST FOUR DAYS and what is it that I hope to accomplish? I don’t know. But ok, I made the decision in January already. I’m going. I bought a ball-growing kit in hopes that I have some 3 weeks from now (eep! less!) to get over this nervousness and just have a damn good time (on a side note, do cojones actually make you feel more confident? sounds like a blog post idea to me!).

  • That movie is one of my favorite memories of Fitbloggin’ last year as well. I can’t wait to see you again this year and meet Meegan. ๐Ÿ™‚

    I’m looking forward to just spending time with friends, old and soon to be new ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Thanks for this! I’ll be there for the first time this year… really getting excited!

  • GREAT post!!! This year is my first Fitbloggin’ ever and I have so many of the same fears and concerns, but reading this helped me realize how awesome it’s going to be! I’ll definitely attend your facilitation and come up and give ya a hug! ๐Ÿ™‚

    ~Alyssa @ Double Chin Diary

  • This is basically, exactly what I needed to read. ๐Ÿ™‚ I can’t wait to give you a big’ol hug in less than 3 weeks!

  • Great post. I’m already trying to decide which blogging/fitness event to attend next year. Making plans ๐Ÿ™‚

  • That dinner we shared together last year was one of the absolute highlights of my Fitbloggin’ experience. I adore you and your Panda hat. And you know what, I had no idea – NO IDEA – about any Asperger’s. I never noticed you looking off, making noises or not making eye contact. I felt like you were 100% with me in every way and it was the greatest connection. I cannot WAIT WAIT WAIT to meet Red.

    It would make me so very happy if you could come to my performance Thurs night (because there just miiiight be a teensy little shout-out to some, er, people I love!) but if you can’t I will understand. oxoxoxo

  • GREAT advice!! I can’t wait…this will be my third year!

  • Tim

    I SOOOOOOO wish I could be there this year! There are so many people on my “thank you” list. Hopefully, I will make it next year. In the meantime, I will store the hugs up to share the love when I make it.

    Have a BLAST!

  • Nic (aka Nugget)

    I can totally relate to your bullet points 1-5. As for #5 I learned a neat trick of focusing on the bridge of someone’s nose – to them it seems you’re making eye contact. Took me a while to get the hang of this and make it seem “natural”. I had to remember to look away every now and again so people didn’t think I was staring them down. I really only do this if I think I have to (interview, first time meeting someone etc.) With people that I’m comfortable with I don’t bother because they know I’m paying attention even if I appear to be doing something else completely.

  • Wow you have done well on your weight loss Tara,I see you use myfitnesspal app, I have been using it as well,I have now lost 28lbs and feeling great with it, wish I lived in the States then I could go to the fitbloggin ( really jealous!) I started a website and researching the topics for it has kept me focused, enjoy your fitbloggin folks

  • Aaaah! So excited to meet you guys its not even funny. I really wish I had a buddy to go to the conference with, you guys are so lucky!! Can I be your buddy? ๐Ÿ™‚ HUGS HUGS HUGS

  • […] (sort of) Guide to Fitbloggin’ 2012 by Tara at A life changing Journey. Tara gives tremendous advice, & tremendous hugs. If you’re going to Fitbloggin‘ & are nervous at all, you need to read this. […]

  • You’re one of the main reasons fitbloggin meant so much to me last year. You welcomed me with open arms (literary) the first time are eyes met….lmao True Story right. The walk for me as you know will never be forgotten. I was nervous big time but you made me as well as so many others that no matter what I was welcomed and I belonged.

    So looking forward to seeing and laughing/crying with you again. I got a bug hug with your name on it girl.

  • What an amazing post! I was there last year but did not get to meet you. You action of taking the walk with Jess touched me so much when I read the post on his blog. I was bummed to not have met such an awesome lady. Luckily we’ll both be there this year! ๐Ÿ™‚

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