Treadmill take 2 / my first challenge / then and now…

The weather has been relentless in these parts. Downpours, 50 mph winds, and 40 degree temperatures do not make for good running conditions for a newbie like me.

This morning was no exception. I don’t want to put off running just because of the weather so today I took a deep breath and […]

Recovered and moving on / First non c25k run / Easter

I waited.


I cried in the middle of the night for no apparent reason, waking up and feeling stuck. But I didn’t get mad at myself. I just said “Well this must be what I needed to feel” so I cried myself to sleep and woke up the morning: Recovered and ready to move […]

I think I found my 5k…

But just writing the title is freaking me out.

I need to figure out why I’m so scared to register.

No let me rephrase that, I need to figure out why I’m so afraid to fail.

I’ve only looked at the web page for the run and already I’m ready to be in tears.

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