Dear Tara…

Dear 270 Tara;

We don’t know each other very well. In fact, we’ve never met. I mean, I know who you are. You’re famous round these parts. Everyone knows you. Everyone knows you were struggling to enjoy life. You didn’t think very much of yourself and had gotten yourself in a dark space and […]

The Great Kilted Run / Mush

I’m not even sure where to begin talking about my experience yesterday. It was fantastic. It was emotional. It was hard. It was awesome. It was challenging. It was fun. It was inspiring. And it was damn near the toughest thing I’ve had to do in a long time (except for today’s session with […]

Race Day…

I slept as long as possible but I am up before the rest of the world on this Sunday. Its race day. I’m not sure why I can’t equate what I did last Sunday (a half marathon walk) to what I’m about to do in a few hours but it doesn’t feel the same.


Food as part of the solution, not the problem / Pre-OWiS week in Review

Dang it!

Its Friday already.

Seriously, did someone come here and steal my week cause I’m not sure what happen to it. Seems I woke Monday and then BAM its Friday. I tried to look for a pause button on this crazy ass week but I guess I accidentally put it in […]

T-minus 6 days!!!

Short post today. Then off to catch up on blogs. Six days left until race day!


Six days left. I’m trying not to think about it. Impossible. I’m thinking about it all the time right now. Is this normal? I feel like I should be making […]

Moving on and moving forward…

I allowed myself 24 hours to be emotionally distraught over my first weight gain and today I’m ready to move on and move forward. Here are some things I know to be true about my life right now:

I do not weigh 263 pounds I am not living the life of my brother I […]

Friday Wrap Up / And ohhhh a yoga mat

It’s that time of the week again folks. The time where I review the last seven days in preparation for OWiS #18. I do this to help me remember this journey isn’t about numbers but about becoming a healthier me. It’s also about taking control of my life and moving closer to what I […]

Craptastic Monday = Fantastic Tuesday!

Whew, I am so happy to have Monday over.

There was no major fallout from yesterday’s change in plans but it can be exhausting to recover. I often have some sort of emotional melt down when not prepared for changes (which I did but it was only for a few minutes), then I […]

Change / Run / No Gym declaration update

What I really wanted to do was title this post “Let’s get to know Tara” because what I’m about to write is probably going to be mundane and too much information (but not in a gross kind of way). If you’d like to bypass the first portion of this post and get to Sunday’s […]

Muscle discovery / another challenge

Today’s anatomy lesson is sponsored by the Letter “O” for Ouch!

These are my newest discovery. The Pectoralis Major. The reason they are my newest discovery? Because they are so sore I can’t barely stand it.

I think I may have pushed myself too hard during the swimming session yesterday. Add to […]