Godfather + jump rope = one pissed off Tara

I remember as a kid jumping rope being one of my favorite activities as a child. It was something I could do with other kids as a parallel player. It was something I was pretty darn good at. You know that Cinderella/made a mistake/kissed a snake rhyme where you had to count how many […]

A binge, and a good night’s sleep…

I don’t know how to explain my eating yesterday.

The only thing I can say about it is I started eating at 9am and I didn’t stop eating until sometime after 6pm. I feel like it was some sort of day dream. It went something like this: I got up yesterday morning and […]

Friends / Fears / New Girlfriend

I have some pretty amazing friends. Many of whom I’ve never laid eyes on. We all share one thing in common: Fighting for our lives to regain control of our bodies. When I first starting blogging this journey back in February I was clueless about how large the online community was and immediately connected […]

Pull up a chair and grab a tissue

Seriously you’re going to need it.

To know me is to know that up until 7 months ago I was a severe introvert. So severe that going out with people who I considered my good friends was difficult for me to do. It started when I was a small child during elementary school. […]

Brick wall…

“When you believe in a thing, believe in it all the way, implicitly and unquestionable” ~ Walt Disney

I write that quote first thing because I am living with some serious mental blockage. You’d think after being on this journey for almost 7 months the proverbial brick wall would be coming down but […]

Today’s topic: Butter

Now that life has become some what unstable (oh remind me to write about stable vs. unstable soon) I’m finding myself outside of the home a lot. I’m not really doing too much, just trying to stay out of the house where negative images of being unemployed lead to sitting around the house feeling […]

Run, Tara, Run / The red box / Inspiration

I thought long and hard about how to start this particular post. Then I decided instead of starting at the beginning, I would start at the end and go from there:

This is me getting ready to cross the finish line of my first 10k that I ran last Saturday. My […]

Let’s talk about coach chuck…

I’ve wanted to sit down and write a post about coach chuck for a while now. I’ve been working out with him for about 3 weeks and while I am sad that I had to make the switch from Superman to him, he has not let me down at all. In fact he has […]