When 14 miles turns into WTF?!?…

I had everything planned out. The route was ready to go. I visualized in my mind about just being outside for a few hours and not worrying about anything except getting some miles in today.

Unfortunately Mother Nature had a whole other plan.

It snowed.


(I’m not sure what I was thinking)


Right, so now I’m committed to running the 14 miles. Once you get over the bridge you pretty much just have to say fuck it and do the best you can. I don’t know Dartmouth very well but had a pretty good map in my pocket and I wanted get over onto this side of the bridge because the Bluenose Marathon is run partially over here…

It sort of went down hill once I got over the bridge and into unfamiliar territory.


13 minute mile! I’m not complaining. I know this is all weather related. But still it’s a little more than frustrating and I still had 9 miles to go. Already feeling tired at this point.


This is where things start to get “hairy”. The sidewalk is gone for a good portion of this run. Running in the road (towards traffic of course to give drivers plenty of time to see me) is safer (meaning feet stay dryer and less likely to slip) but it pretty much sucks and doesn’t look to get any better.

— Side note —
I had a mile 8 video. I was quitting at this point. The roads were too busy to run in and the sidewalk had at least 4 inches of snow that was either never walked in and felt like I was prancing like a freaking reindeer to clear the snow or was so disgusting slushy I couldn’t get my footing. Either way I was done. I was going to walk home from this point….

Then I just kept running to the best of my ability.


By Mile 10 I was done. Luckily I had mapmyrun going and could see exactly where I was and what short cut I needed to take to get back to the road I came in. I knew from where I was I had to still get back over the bridge and eventually back home so it was still another 2 – 3ish miles.

Not bad considering the weather. When I was running on the road my speed was pretty good. There just wasn’t enough clear road. I pushed myself as hard as I could coming back over the bridge knowing this was going to be the last good “patch” but once I came over to Halifax it took everything I had to run that last mile back to the house.

I’m chalking this up as a pretty good run and I think unless there is going to be a blizzard in the middle of May I’m going to do alright at the Marathon…

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