Week 2 (16 to go) and some “lip service”

I’ve completed two weeks of marathon training.

I can feel my body adjusting already to easing back into the routine of running on a regular basis. Last week I “moved” for a total of 29 miles (of which 18 miles were running including finding myself on the highway and far from where I *should* have been). I like where I am this week. I don’t feel the necessity to balls it to the walls (“Oh my GOD I should be out running 15 half marathons every weekend!!!!) and instead of looking ahead to running double digits mid February I’m staying right here and enjoying the fact that two weeks ago it was hard to run 6 miles but this past Sunday while I was tired it didn’t beat me down to the ground to run for an hour.

This morning was an easy (I NEVER thought I’d use the word easy to describe running) 3 miles and to date was the best run so far. When you wake up and it’s A) in the single digits B) Snowy from the night before C) Icy as fuck you know it makes for an “interesting” run. You can’t run for speed. You can’t zone out into the runner’s high until it’s over. You have to stay here, present and slow down for safety reasons. I chose to run over the bridge this morning because if there is one thing that Halifax never fails to give me it’s a beautiful sunrise.

It was amazing to run and feel my legs today. To feel my lungs work. To see my breath in the winter cold because I was out running. I was out doing something good for my body. Doing something good for my heart. Doing something good for my soul. I’m still amazed at how much less exertion there is running 3 miles this week as there was even just a few weeks ago. Today it was nothing to get out there for 3 miles. In fact at the turn around point I was a little disappointed. I didn’t expect it to come so quickly and as I turned around to head back to where I started I gave myself a little pat on the back for being disappointed that the run was ending so quickly instead of being obese, out of breath and angry that I was trying to run.

My food the last couple of days have been better.

Not perfect but better.

I recognize that my body must be fed in order to run.

Now that I’m running more regularly that means I’m outside in the cold much more than what I’m used too. I’ve been meaning to do a product review for something that I received a while back but it didn’t seem fitting until now. I’ve been using this product for a while but didn’t really notice how much I’ve come to love it until these last two weeks when I find myself in below zero temperatures more and more often. It’s not a particular running accessory (though I am in dire need of accessories). It’s not a particular piece of clothing (though again I could use some new running clothes). It’s not even something I use while I’m running but rather after I return home, teeth chattering and find my lips dry and my hands even dryer…

I’ve had these two little “lifesavers” with me since I’ve moved to Halifax and I can’t begin to tell you how much of a relief it’s been to use them when my poor little hands are chapped from being unaccustomed to the just how freaking cold it gets here and my lips are so red (and not in a sexy way!)

The best part about these products is you can find them pretty much ANYWHERE. I mean don’t get me wrong, I love to do reviews for companies that are solely web based but when I review a product that I love AND can buy just by walking to my nearest drugstore or Sobey’s then you can pretty much bet it’s going to get my full on stamp of T-Rex approval (RAWR!)

I’m not afraid to admit that there have been nights that my hands are so chapped I’ve had to lather them up to a disgusting degree and don some socks on my hands to let the Aquaphor do their magic. I’ve also greased up my lips to the point where I look like I’ve sucked on a vat of chicken grease but you know what? I don’t care because at the end of the day (or the beginning of the next day when I remove the socks from my hands) my skin is back to a healthy feel.

I’ve done product reviews for Eucerin before and personally didn’t fall in love with one of the products but only because it wasn’t a good match for my sensitive skin (and I mean really sensitive). I appreciate the fact that they took my honest opinion for just that (my opinion) and sent me another product to try. Both of these products (the lip repair and skin therapy) were a perfect match for me and I haven’t had any kind of reaction at all (bonus!).

Once again, the company is stepping up to the plate and offering a sample to anyone that happens upon my review. The rules are simple. There is no liking and no following this time. I just want to know one thing:

How much do you love your skin?

For a week, you can come back here and tell me every day how much you love your skin. Want to tell me once? Great. Want to come back here and tell me a gazillion times? Fantastic. But this time next week I’m gonna let one of you guys try the goodness that keeps my skin and lips healthy (is there a dirty joke in here somewhere?)

P.S. This is open to US and Canadian residents!

P.P.S are you on Daily Mile? Maybe you should be my friend. I need all the cheerleaders I can get while I train!

6 comments to Week 2 (16 to go) and some “lip service”

  • Bobbie

    Glad to hear you are back to running. I still think you are balls to the wall regardless, you always have been! 🙂

    My son has skin issues and he has always had a bad reaction to Eucerin. Aquaphor works great for him, only thing he doesn’t care for is that it makes him “shiny”. LOL not cool as a pre-teen.

    xoxo to you and Meegan

  • mac

    Glad to see you’re getting out of your funk Tara. I’m struggling with food these last few days as well. But my exercise is spot on! Had a major deadlift breakthrough today!

  • I love that, because I’ve stayed out of the sun, my skin looks younger than I really am and people usually think my best friend here is older than me (even though she’s six months younger) cuz she’s a sun worshiper. I also Eucerin products – great stuff.

    Congrats on your training, too. You’re doing fantastic!

  • Plus, it probably really slows you down running in ice skates…

  • You’re braver than I am, although the winter here in Winnipeg has been much kinder this year! I hate running outside in the winter, between the ice, and the cold, I get my money out of my treadmill every winter.

    I have so many skin issues that I rarely try new products, but I may have to try Aquaphor. My hands get so dry they actually crack open and bleed during the winter. (Another reason I don’t run outside – prolonged cold makes it worse, and I have never found gloves that protect them well enough!)

    I added you on Daily Mile – love that tracking tool!

  • I’m pretty rough on my skin since I’m outside so much and Colorado’s sun is so extreme because of the elevation. I’ve really been trying hard to take better care of it with products like this 🙂

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