Tipping point / National Running Day challenge / Some Exciting News!

After reading Brandon’s (So Long Fat Ass),  and Mary’s (A Merry Life) post about what their tipping points were for starting this journey I thought I would examine what my tipping point was as well. I’m often asked what was the deciding factor but in hind site I don’t think it was one particular event but a bunch of little ones that eventually turned into the big unmistakable elephant smack dab in the middle of my life.

  • My Depression – while I wasn’t fully aware of the degree of my depression I knew it lingered. I can only describe it as a throbbing pain that eventually you just get used too. I was used to being depressed. I functioned well in that I went to work and I kept up the house duties. Outside of that I was just an empty shell.
  • My Dependency to World of Warcraft – I’ve referred to this monstrosity before and I’m sure I will bring it up again. I played this game day in and day out. I stopped being social (unless it was through the game). I felt important when online. I didn’t feel important in real life. It was all I thought about and it consumed me.
  • My Brother – He came to live with me back in April of 2009. His alcoholism brought to the fore front my own addictive behaviors and  the notion that my path (while not as detrimental as his) was not going in a positive direction either.
  • This picture was taken back in September of 2009. UGH. I cry every time I look at it.  I can’t believe I was so oblivious to what I was allowing to have happen to my body and my life. This is the hardest photo to look at and I will never go back to this. NEVER! (btw – that beautiful woman is my Aunt Kathee and I am absolutely obsessed with her).
  • Tyler – I came across his blog in a Google Reader search back in October 2009.  As I read his story, I began to feel a tug in my own life to do something about my weight, and my life. I will always be grateful for his bravery in putting his life out there and in doing so saving the lives of others.
  • Pho & CalorieKing – Sounds silly I know but one day I was eating a delicious bowl of Pho and I started to wonder about these little things called calories. I did a search on what the calorie content was and the first thing that popped up was the website Calorieking. That was during the last week of December. I signed up for the free trial membership. When the last day of the trial was over, it was December 29th, 2010 and I decided it was time to make a change.

Was it an easy decision to make? No. Was it easy to implement change? Hell no. Over the first few weeks I made very small changes to what I was doing. I gave up World of Warcraft (not an easy feat mind you). I promised myself to only take the elevator (as long as it wasn’t 5 floors up). I began walking my dogs on a daily basis and I slowly began to ween myself off of diet coke. The first month was painfully hard. Painful because I was quickly learning this journey was not about the weight but about taking control of my life. I had to start intensive therapy in order to remain consistent and not allow myself to give up. That month came and went and I’ve been going full speed ahead since.

I don’t know who was living my life before December 29th 2009.

I know now.

What was your tipping point?


June 2nd 2010

Valerie (Seattle runner girl) and I are going to be hosting a virtual  running challenge in celebration of National Running day.  No details as of yet, but I can almost assure you of three things: 1) There will be running 2) You will be involved 3) There will be stuff to giveaway.

As soon as well hammer out the details we’ll let you know.  In the meantime, dust off those running shoes!


Here comes the exciting news.

Are you ready?

Are you sitting down?

Cause it’s pretty exciting.












I can swim, I can run and I can bike.

Now I just need to bring it all together.

Can’t talk about it just yet cause I’m still taking it in.

But there ya go!

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