Meet Maria…

Today’s Team in Training run is dedicated to Maria and her Mom.

It’s not easy writing about how Leukemia/Lymphoma affects your life. I asked Maria to share her story with me a while back and at first she was very willing. I know all too well that at first we think we’re ready […]

Meet Natalie and Olivia

Today’s run is dedicated to Natalie and her niece Olivia!

Olivia was diagnosed with Leukemia when she was 2 years old. It was a scary time for all of us, but most especially for my brother and my sister-in-law. Olivia is their youngest child. As a baby she was a very vivacious happy […]

Ashley’s Story…

I’ve never met Ashley face to face but we share two things in common: We’re fighting to regain control of our lives by making healthier choices and we’ve both lost our moms. I chose Ashley to be my first story and to be the first dedicated run because she has so much love for […]

I need your help…

Every Saturday until November I’ll be running with Team in Training as I prepare to cry scream scratch punch crawl walk run across the finish line of the Amica half marathon November 28th. I want to dedicate Saturday runs to people affected by Leukemia/Lymphoma.

This is where you get to help me.