Sitting with Emotions…

This week is my one year anniversary.

(send gifts if you’d like)

Hard to believe this time last year, Meegan and I were finishing up the Ragnar Relay and about to elope to Vancouver British Columbia to secretly get married. The story never gets old when someone asks how we met and we reminisce about our happen chance meeting in real life after following each other’s blogs for so long and falling in love from 4000 miles apart.

We laugh over the fact that when Meegan arrived for her first real visit July 14th we had yet to share a kiss or go on a date but we had already planned our wedding. We took care of the kiss right away. The official first date followed close behind. Engagement ring placed on her finger one day was coupled with $12 wedding rings not too many days later. We had no idea if what we were doing was absolutely insane but to us it felt absolutely right.

A year has gone by fast.

The reason I titled this post “Sitting with Emotions” is because among all the reasons to celebrate I am also reminded that there are other emotions inside of me that need to be acknowledged in order for them to move on and make room for my heart to feel love and compassion for the beautiful woman I married.

This week there is a lot of tragedy in the world (or at least in my small non t.v. world). There is a lot of talk about what happened in Colorado and even without access to news coverage in my own home I can’t go but a few feet in any direction without being bombarded with details and pictures.

This is also the week of gay pride here in Halifax. We’ve got our week planned out for us and the first event was a candle light vigil that we attended last night. The vigil was for those fighting for the right to be called first class citizens in countries where laws allowing the execution of gays still exist (hard to believe but in fact true). It was also to remember those that have died standing up for what they believe in: Love is love no matter the gender.

As I stood there in the moment of silence on the grounds of the downtown library, less than a week before my one year anniversary, I missed my home. Don’t get me wrong I love Halifax and all that has come with moving here but there was a definite longing for the people and places far away. As I wrapped my arms around Meegan and the people around me remembered Raymond Taaval who was killed not that far from our home this past April in what some labeled as a gay bashing I thought about the oddest thing; “I wish I could take my dogs for a walk”.

You read about people’s tragedy and almost immediately you see another person comment on how we need to be thankful for what we have and to stop complaining because we’re not going through something as awful as what happened in Colorado or here in Halifax. We should be thankful that we have the ability to get up every morning and walk on both feet instead of laying in a hospital bed recuperating from road side bombings or waking up finding both my breasts gone to cancer.

This week feels heavy on my shoulders and I don’t want to feel guilty for missing something as simple as walking my dogs or sitting across the table from my niece as she tells me stories about the customers that come into her bank. I am extremely thankful for my life and even more thankful that when I wake up in the morning I see the most beautiful face laying next to me. I am thankful for my two feet and the ability to get up every morning and while sad that where I used to live wouldn’t recognize my marriage I’m thankful that I was able to move to a country that sees me as a first class citizen.

So many times when we feel the emotions that bring angst / confusion / sadness we want to push them away because we feel guilty for having them or we’re too afraid to sit with them because it can wreak havoc on our bodies physically. We tend to turn to food because it soothes those painful emotions. Focusing on the pint of sweet tasting ice cream or the bag of salty crunchy chips eases the emotions as if we were being coddled in a blanket being rocked back to sleep.  We convince ourselves that we shouldn’t allow painful feelings to interfere with our everyday lives because look at what’s going on around the world and how dare we feel sorry for ourselves.

My emotions are mine to feel and to recognize. They are mine to acknowledge and let pass when ready. I have no right to down play them against any one or any thing else in the world. It’s not okay to shut them out or pacify them with food in hopes that they will go unnoticed just because my life isn’t as tragic as what I see happening out in the world. What I feel is what I feel based on the experiences of my life and the life I see around me.

So in my little world this week there is a lot of pull and push of the emotions. Elated to being going away with Meegan this week to Stonehame for a few days to read letters we wrote to each other the day we were married to be opened on our first anniversary. Excited to be celebrating my “pride” this week in a country that in fact allows me to be married to the woman of my dreams (and watching the drag queens play baseball). All rolled in to that is also some longing and sadness for what is missed and for what is gone.

People often ask me what the hardest part of this journey has been and most times I think they expect me to say something like “all the physical activity” or “giving up soda”. In fact the hardest part is understanding that one emotion is not better than the other. Understanding that in order to feel true happiness in my life I have to feel true sadness as well. In order to feel clarity I have to feel confusion. In order to feel peace I have to feel angst. Strong; Weak. Brave; Fear. 

All emotions are equal.

I don’t have to make myself feel better with a super sized bag of McDonald’s because I want to cry my eyes out. I just need to cry my eyes out. I don’t have to sit in the corner with a medium pizza that I have no intention of sharing because I feel lonely or am missing someone. I just have to acknowledge that I feel lonely or that I miss someone. I don’t have to plunge my hand into a basket of fried chicken or swirl my finger around the edge of an empty pint of ice cream because I want to take the dogs that I miss for a walk.

The emotions eventually subside. The deep breathing of calmness returns and the moving on can continue. That’s the hardest part about the journey. Being patient as you wait for the emotions to come and go as needed. Learning along the way that what you feel today may or may not be what you feel tomorrow…

One emotion is not better than the others.

They just are.

If you let them.


17 comments to Sitting with Emotions…

  • A lot of the time I feel like you’ve already learned lessons that I’m still trying to understand.

    But I’ll get there…especially with you to guide me.

    To this year of lessons, and many many more years of lessons to come.


  • Gaius

    Great post; definitely reminds me of all the things I take for granted.

  • LOVE this post Tara…
    This week I’ve been doing some major contemplating and it has brought up a lot of emotions…some of which I’ve kept hidden…it’s also brought up a lot of ‘baggage’, most of which I’ve kept hidden…but no longer.
    Taking off the mask and being myself and enjoying life (no matter how screwed up mine is right now–I’m still here, living and breathing so it’s not all that screwed up!) and if people can’t deal with who I am…then bye bye…if they can accept me and deal with me…then great…
    Thanks for all your posts and for you being you…

  • Nicole

    Well said…………

  • I am daring to think that as a culture we’re just starting to see the glimpses of the beginning of the idea that it’s not only okay for people to feel their feelings without judgment…it’s VITALLY important! It goes back to when we were little children being taught that feelings were meant to be stuffed…that we should be thankful for what we have and not complain or cry or mourn or FEEL anything other than “happy” so we don’t burden anyone else. Thank you for being part of the evolution and enlightenment!

  • tj

    Whenever I can I go to any and all equality rallies. I went to not only support my brother and his husband but to hopefully show that not all supporters of the LGBT community are part of it. What I do consider myself to be a part of is the need and want for equal rights.

    I am so proud of you and Meegan for being the people you are, open & honestly. Growing up I always knew something was wrong in my brother’s life….I felt horrible that it took him 25 years to be the gay man he knew he always was. My family loves and supports him. Honestly I think that is all families had to go through a child (or adult) coming out, maybe, just maybe they might be more open minded with equality in this world….hopefully someday.


  • tj

    OOHH!!! & Happy Anniversary!!! 🙂

  • I really needed this post tonight. Thank you. After trying to dodge the sads all week, I think what I need is to just cry. Just cry and then move on. Thanks again. You are awesome.

  • This is an INCREDIBLE post, Tara.

    When my emotions are overwhelming I tend to shut down and avoid food. On occasion it’s the other direction and I just want to cram junk down my throat. During my journey I have slowly trained myself to not give in to cravings just because I am pissed off, sad, frustrated, irritated, whatever. It doesn’t help one bit and only brings on guilt. If I want pizza, I’ll eat pizza…when I’m calm and my emotions have passed.

    Mind over matter. That’s what it comes down to. Losing weight is not hard if you stop to think about it. The hard part is changing your mindset and learning to live a new, healthier way when there are obstacles that can be a deterrent.

    Thanks for sharing this amazing post. And HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to you both!

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  • hello from berlin, germany! im so glad i read your blogentry tonight…. ive been to a holiday in spain by myself, where i was called names etc. repeatedly because i look gay. the feelings of hurt and fear ( even shame, i have to admit ) are only now coming to the surface. it is true for me also that i need to sit with my emotions and let them come and pass…
    best wishes for your guys next year of married life…

  • I am still figuring out what this means as a grown-up, and it makes me SO mindful of how I talk to my daughter even now at only 10 months old. I want her to know it’s okay to FEEL any old way (even while teaching her that certain ACTIONS are disrespectful or hurtful). Thanks for the reminder that feelings are feelings and no matter what they are, it’s okay. And happy anniversary!

  • mary

    Happy First Anniversary to you and Meegan.

    And Lord, are you a wonderful writer.

    Such a beautiful post Tara – you are absolutely right when you say that one emotion is not better or worse than another – they just are. Kudos to you on recognizing something that most of us don’t acknowledge for all our lives.

    And My Goodness, you are a wonderful writer.

    And by the way, did I mention that your writing is terrific?

    Thanks Tara – 🙂

  • What Karen said above? That.

    Killer post Tara. I’ve never commented before but I read your blog often and consistently find that you echo my own feelings. It’s a nice validation for me 🙂

    Keep up the great work.

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