OWiS #35…Welcome to the gun show!

August is coming to a close and it has by far been one of the best months since starting this LCJ back in January. I’m discovering that there is so much more to this journey than the numbers on the scale (even though I am still obsessed with them – confession: I still weigh multiple times a day). This month has been about self discovery and watching my body become stronger with each passing day.  It’s been about meeting people and listening to their stories as I figure out what my next chapter is going to look like. It’s been about opening up my mind (and heart) to possibilities I never even fathomed when I first stepped on that scale and saw the number 263 staring back at me.

If I can sum up my month will a short story it would go something like this: Last night I was at the gym getting ready to start the Super Circuit they offer once a month. I see Godfather with a client and I get asked to come over. The client is fit, athletic and looks like she could run me over with her legs if I ever was running in front of her. We’re introduced and damn near the first thing out of her mouth?

“Nice Guns!”

If I had had water in my mouth, it would have been spit right out as I practically began to choke hearing those words coming from her. She was talking about me. I’m always commenting on people’s guns. I want them. I need them. I will have them one day. Apparently that day has begun to arrive. A new chapter is beginning…

Oh and I lost some weight this week!


  • Week 0 = 263.5 (-0.0)
  • Week 1 = 257.4 (-6.1)
  • Week 2 = 255.0 (-2.4)
  • Week 3 = 254.6 (-.4)
  • Week 4 = 253.8 (-.8) *I started c25k
  • Week 5 = 248.2 (-5.6)
  • Week 6 = 247.2 (-1.0)
  • Week 7 = 246.2 (-1.0)
  • Week 8 = 244.4 (-1.8)
  • Week 9 = 241.0 (-3.4)
  • Week 10 = 240.6  (-.4)
  • Week 11 = 238.0 (-2.6)
  • Week 12 = 234.8 (-3.2)
  • Week 13 = 232.8 (-2.0) *joined a gym
  • Week 14 = 230.0 (-2.8) *graduated c25k
  • Week 15 = 227.8 (-2.2)
  • Week 16 = 225.6 (-2.2)
  • Week 17 = 222.4 (-3.2)
  • Week 18 = 219.2 (-3.2)
  • Week 19 = 221.4 (+2.2) *the brother situation
  • Week 20 = 213.8 (-7.6)
  • Week 21 = 212.0 (-1.8)
  • Week 22 = skipped
  • Week 23 = 208.0 (-4.0) *over the course of two weeks
  • Week 24 = 207.6 (-.4) *switched over to new scale
  • Week 25 = 204.8 (-2.8)
  • Week 26 = 202.8 (-2.0)
  • Week 27 = 200.8 (-2.0)
  • Week 28 = 203.6 (+2.8) *lost my job
  • Week 29 = 197.0 (-6.6) ONEDERLAND!
  • Week 30 = 196.3 (-.7) *I cut out starch
  • Week 31 = 193.2 (-3.1)
  • Week 32 = 188.0 (-5.2)
  • Week 33 = 185.6 (-2.4)
  • Week 34 = 185.1 (-0.5)
  • Week 35 = 183.3 (-1.8)

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