No Scale Challenge…

No Scale One Week!

Funny thing happens when you start talking in 140 characters or less over on Twitter. You tend to get yourself hooked into doing something you think is going to be easy only to realize once you’ve committed yourself you’re not quite sure what you’ve gotten into. Michael, Jess, Brandon and I have all agreed to go one week without stepping on the scale (#noscaleforaweek on twitter if you’re so inclined).

Logical Tara says this will be a walk in the park.

It’s just a number right? Today I am faster, stronger, more fit and healthier than I have ever been in my entire life. I ran 7 3/4 miles yesterday in 80 minutes of which 3 miles were completely barefoot. I can do things at the gym that leave grown men practically puking and I am often ready to go another round before I can catch my breath. I see muscles that I’ve never seen before and now they are coming out to play so that other people can see them too.

I was able to cut out starch completely for 3 weeks (still eating very minimal starch) and I stopped counting calories over 2 months ago. Logical Tara says “Oh hell yes! BRING IT!”

Emotional Tara…

Loves her scale. So much so she often steps onto it multiple times per day. Going a week without looking down at that beautiful piece of machinery is like asking…well to be honest I’m not sure what to compare it too because it’s just so much a part of me. I wake up, I weigh. If I’m spending more than 5 minutes in the kitchen I weigh. Go to the gym, I weigh there too. Come home and shower, I weigh. Getting a drink of water…yep I weigh. I take pictures and show them to Godfather (like I need more validation from this guy right?). It’s the first thing I do in the morning. It’s the last thing I do before going to bed.

I am obsessed.

I need to do this. I need to cut the umbilical cord to Ten Toed Charlie and other apparatuses that define me by a number. I won’t put the scale away and pretend like I don’t have one. Every morning I will wake up and look down at TTC, point my finger and proclaim:

I need to trust that not weighing myself does not mean I’m going to wake up tomorrow and weigh 263 pounds again. I need to trust that there are other ways to define who I am and a number (while it is a good indication of weight loss) is no longer needed to tell me I’m on the right path.

This tells me I’m on the right path.

And this.

I can do this!

13 comments to No Scale Challenge…

  • We can so do this Tara. We have become addicted to the scale, and the scale is just a number. You did receive a comment about your guns, and I remember being on twitter when you had. It was amazing, I was so happy. I am getting looks, I am happy with those too– you are as well! I am looking forward to see how we do without weighing ourselves for an entire week. We will rock this part of our journey, and who knows where the next step will take us!

  • sharlaelizabeth

    Buh-bye for now Ten Toed Charlie. Tara isn’t going to miss you like she thinks she will. Because she doesn’t need you. Prepare to have your status downgraded from “vital” to “I’ll be polite and ask how you’re doing when I run into you & can’t pretend that I didn’t see you, but I don’t actually care what your answer is”.

  • Yes! Tara…You can do ABSOLUTELY anything for 7 days…its only 7 days…but the rewards will be lifetime……………YOU GO GIRL!

  • Ed

    you are stronger than I! I hate my scale, but I cant help but to get on it all the time!

  • Well you may find this slight comical then… I have the same problem with my scale, but this morning I walked in to my bath room stepped on my scale and it shorted…. The number went absolutely haywire. My scaled died XD. I think our scales had a talk while we were sleeping and mine was like “look TTC, you gotta cut my wires, this bitch won’t stops stepping on me”.

  • Molly

    You got this! The scale does NOT define you.

  • I think I might try this if you dont mind. Im “super”obsessive over the scale.I usually weigh in on mondays. Lets see if I can make it till next monday!

  • I guess it can be hard to stop using the scale if you are addicted to it. Like any other addiction it can be hard to break. So good luck with this! You can definitely do it!

  • When has Tara the fitness warrior met a challenge she can`t take down? Freaking out does not a failed challenge make. One week will be a blink of an eye and you will conquer this challenge and move onto the next! What does the safety of the scale actually do for you anyway? What are you really measuring when you get on that thing 5 times a day? Is it really doing something all that amazing in your life?

  • As you would say “You’ve go this!”. I wish I was brave enough to step on the scale less than about 25 times a day but at the moment I’m not there. I’m going away for a week on the 8th and I’m considering packing the scale (or buying a new one while away) I’m that addicted!

    You will rock this challenge.

  • WE GOT THIS! It’s going to be tough, but it’s going to be fun too.

    Nice looking guns, BTW! 🙂

  • I am SO far behind! But I think this is a GREAT idea. You do not need the scale to tell you that you are a WARRIOR and a BADASS. Good for you for letting it go when you know you need to.

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