Hard to believe this is me…



For my Deaf friends: I wanted to write a blog post but it was too emotional. This is a video talking about being in Canadian Running for the Nov/Dec issue. I wanted to do an ASL version but it wasn’t going to capture the emotions the second time around. I went back, listened to the video and transcribed it as much as possible…

“I thought about how I was going to do this next blog post because it’s kind of emotional. I’m not sure how to explain it. A while back I had been talking about something BIG that was coming (and it was not the venture into Life Coaching) it was something else. It’s happened and I know I need to blog about but it’s really emotional and I’m probably going to cry…


I mentioned it before but I’m in this magazine. Canadian Running. One of the largest magazines in all of Canada (not just here in Halifax) but the entire country lol. What started out as something small turned into something big and I’m humbled, excited and have a lot of emotions (cause you can see that I’m crying).

I was in a local newspaper here about running and weight loss. That article caught the eye of a writer for Canadian Running and I thought it would just be something small about high interval training. But naturally they ask where I’m from (Seattle) and then the natural question that follows is how did you end up in Halifax and then you’re telling them about falling in love. The story got more complex and I was having a few hours of interviews with Lindsey Craig. They asked for pictures, we got nervous. We didn’t know what it was going to look like until we had it in our hands.

(I’m showing you the pictures now)

It’s hard for me to look at the pictures. 

I’ve only looked at it a couple of times.

(Full page)

(Explaining the pictures)

6 pages! You try to be excited but it brought up feelings of not deserving it, I’m never going to be good enough, what if I don’t do other things? I wanted to write the blog post but I kept crying and jumbling my words. It’s awesome but also very intimidating...”



23 comments to Hard to believe this is me…

  • Edwina Penney

    You have inspired me, I am sitting here crying with you. The emotion is so deep.
    Meeting you last week, was awesome. You are so well spoken, and relate on a level that is way more then any person I ever spoke too.
    Your going to be my life coach and friend. I neeed positive people in my life. You and Meme are that for me.

  • Watching your face as you talk about this incredible opportunity gets me all tied up in knots because I can see how conflicted you are about it.

    The funny thing is comes right back to the question of worth. Of what we deserve. And if you were talking to one of your soon-to-be coaching clients you would tell them that they deserve the acknowledgement and recognition of this caliber. That what they have done with their life, what you have done and ARE doing with your life is BIG BIG. It is worthy of major appreciation and awe. Because you are inspiring.

    I keep telling everyone that this is YOUR story in the magazine. That this is your feature. And it is. But what I’m doing when I do that is making my piece of that story smaller. Just like you’re trying to do now. And watching you makes me realize that’s not fair. Not fair to me or you. And I wonder when you tell me that it’s OUR story too if you are trying to move the spotlight a little off yourself or if you are trying to remind me that my part is important too? *(maybe both?) I think we need to celebrate these accolades T and remember that the attention is deserved – even if it feels uncomfortable. And hey, you want to be Oprah big right?! The spotlight for you is only going to get bigger – because love of my life, you. deserve. it.

  • tj

    so proud of you Tara….you have come so far. 🙂 xoxo congrats

  • I’m so happy for you Tara, you do deserve it, you’ve earned it. Big congrats!!!

  • I am crying with you. I can feel your incredible emotion jumping out at me. You are an incredible inspiration!

  • This is SO AWESOME, and I am thrilled for you both. It’s such an awesome story and so inspiring to so many people (like me). I like Meegan’s point up there too. What would you tell me if I asked you if MY story was worth printing, or if I were enough to be inspiring or even worth a mention? You and Meegan, you’re superstars. You’re incredible, uplifting people who radiate love and light and so many other amazing things. Enjoy this SO deserved spotlight, and thanks for just another inspiring moment for me to use as my own little motivation.

  • Nicole

    Meegan and Tara, I will tell you I was at Superstore bright and early this morning, only to be devastated that they don’t put out the new one’s til late. UGH. Now I have to wait until tonight and stop at Shoppers. I cannot view this video from my work computers (stoopid banned site)but in hindsight it’s probably better I don’t turn into a blubbery crying mess at the front desk 🙂
    Having had time to spend with both of you, I can honestly say that this article is about you both. It’s about Tara and her amazing efforts to use her running to get to her happy weight and in turn find out who she truly was. It’s about Meegan and her journey to find her happy weight and in turn find out she was truly was. It’s YOUR story together, because without blogging and this journey you both wouldn’t have met; and I for one do not want to live in a world where the love you share doesn’t exist. Please know that BOTH of you deserve this and a whole world more.
    I love you both to bits and pieces and I’m very proud to call you friends.
    Love ya smooches and hugs.

  • It IS awesome and intimidating and wonderful and scary and everything in between. It’s a delicious both/and if there ever was one 🙂

    I think a key lesson for me has been allowing myself to soak up and accept compliments, attention, kudos, congrats, and so on. It’s so hard, but it’s such an important part of this journey. In fact, I think if we can’t allow ourselves this, it’s a denial of ourselves and when we do that, we are tempted to return to obscurity and an easy way to do that is to eat ourselves there.

    Practice being okay with it and soaking it up now because I know there will be more to come.

  • Congratulations Tara! What a beautiful vlog. Thank you for sharing your feelings with you on this incredible feature. I’m so happy for you. Yes you deserve the recognition because you are an amazing person with a great story and an inspiration to many. {{{Hugs}}}

  • I was crying with you! This is incredible and you DO deserve this.

  • I dropped everything to watch this video, Tara, and I’m so glad I did. I totally understand that you feel both pride and intimidation. I would feel the same way. I’ve been following this blog for years, and you’re a natural at sharing your story in ways that are compelling, honest, universal, and REAL. This article is an extension of that. Think of all the people that you’re going to reach!

    PS Is the article available to read online? Link, please!

  • Wow, Tara. I’m sitting here at work crying because I am so in awe of you, and Meegan, and how much you’ve accomplished. You talk about that feeling of “not good enough” and that is constantly me. More so lately. Frankly, it’s exhausting. But you are so much more than that. You have proven time and time again how inspiring you are and how much you motivate others with your story. I’m honored to know you.

    xoxo from Michigan.

  • Congratulations, its quite an honor to be featured in such a magazine. You’re doing something right.

  • Wow, like other people before me, I too, am sitting here in tears. I’m in tears for your success, your fears, your excitement and your sincerity. You have every right to feel exactly the way you do but please know you’ve touched so many lives already and with the publication of your story in this national magazine, you are touching thousands more. These are people who are or will be inspired by you, people who have been there before you, people who are PROUD of you and people who NEED to be inspired by you because they are desperate to see that they too can change their lives.

    Tara, please believe that while I do not know you personally, I do know that you deserve EVERY SINGLE good thing that has and will come your way.


  • Congratulations Tara! I, too, am sitting here in tears. You DO deserve this- Own it and live it.

  • Thoroughly enjoyed this and all of the comments above, as well. You inspire so many people through your ability and willingness to be open and honest and raw. Best wishes to you.

  • What’s not to deserve? You earned it..
    Acknowledgment for the hard work you have done…
    I remember that feeling…all the mixed emotions…when my magazine thing came out a couple years back.. the pride and the fear..and the questions…

    But ……you know what…

    You are still you….Your story (and Meegan) is a magical love story…love for yourselves and love for each other….and how that brought you together…
    THAT magic inspires…

    Soak it all in….its good to share…THAT inspires others…

  • Awesome sauce! You’re all famous and stuff 😉 It’s been great watching your progression in the last couple years not only physically but other aspects as well. I’m so happy for you. To echo some of the other comments – don’t think for one second you don’t deserve this, you earned every bit of it. Congrats!

  • Congrats- so very exciting! What a fabulous opportunity for you 🙂

  • i’m new to your blog and your story … but i have to say, i’m sitting at my desk with happy tears in my eyes for you … not only is this a fabulous recognition of all you’ve accomplished, but just think of the inspiration you’re providing others! 🙂

  • I FINALLY got to watch this video- and WOW!! What an AWESOME experience for you- and so well deserved!! I wish I could get my hands on a copy, as I would LOVE to read the story… do you know if it’s available in the U.S.? Or is the article online?
    You are wonderful, inspirational and amazing!!

  • Andrea


  • Crystal from Alberta

    This article is the reason i got my mojo for running back! I suffer from anxiety and after reading your article and going through your blog, I was able to pull myself out of my recent anxiety issues and get back on track. THANK YOU!I am a firm believer of everything happens for a reason! Please believe that you were meant to have this article written about you. I would never have come across your blog otherwise. Keep up the good work!

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