Guest Post: Jessi <3

Jessi is my best friend

In Real Life.

We met at the gym a while back when Godfather pulled each of us aside and said we had to meet. From there it was a match made in heaven. She loves me for me. I love her for her. She’s an amazing singer. An amazing artist. An amazing photographer. Above all she’s an amazing friend…

She wrote the following post for me.

I’m posting it as a reminder for her.


Eating Mindfully

Have you ever sat down to your meal and 10 minutes later you are looking at an empty plate wondering who in the world ate all your food, wishing there was more or actually got up to get another helping? Only to find that once you decided you were finished you were so full that you felt uncomfortable in your jeans that fit 20 minutes ago.

That’s me.

I have a propensity for eating VERY fast, so fast that my tummy can’t catch up and tell me it’s full before I’ve filled it up with twice it’s max capacity. There are a myriad of reasons that I do this and not surprisingly, none of them have to do with me being physically hungry. I eat fast because I don’t want people to see me eat, I feel like they are thinking “Why is she even eating, she could stand to miss a couple meals”.

I eat fast because because as a kid, my brother (who is 6’4 vs. my 5’2) ate more than I did, and if I wanted to get my fill I had to get to the food before he did or else it would be gone. I eat fast because, for some reason that I have yet to discover, I feel like I am going to get in trouble for eating. I also on top of all this feel like I have to eat all my food because I do LOVE the flavor, textures, and smells of my food and I am afraid that I will never have the opportunity to enjoy that particular meal again.

But as of late I have been practicing eating mindfully, I call it sitting with my food. I have been abusing my body by not giving it the time it needs to talk to me, to tell me that it’s full, or still hungry, or even if it likes the particular food I am giving it. It has been a trial because for me it’s not just sitting with my food, it’s also sitting with the self destructive thought patterns I have that go along with my eating.

I am having to learn not only to eat mindfully but also to think positively while I am eating. If a person looks at me while I am eating I have to replace “they think I am to fat to eat” with “Maybe they like my blouse” or that convince myself that maybe, just maybe, they aren’t even really looking AT me. I force myself to take two bites, chew my food COMPLETELY, and then wait for feed back from my body and then continue this pattern until it says I am full.

I have been astounded at how little food I actually eat at one sitting, I literally eat a serving of food the size of my fist and I am full. The only thing is, I have had to adjust to the fast that an hour later, I may be hungry again, and I have had to make myself ok with that, I have had to plan for that. I keep cliff bars in my purse, and healthy, easy grab things in my house for between meals.

But it has been worth it, and it works for me, I have been loosing weight again, emotionally and physically, all because I now take the time to sit with my food and listen to my body.

Jessi blogs here:

She Also Tweets Here: Oo_Jessi_oO




5 comments to Guest Post: Jessi <3

  • mac

    Nice guest post Jessi! Mindful eating is so hard for so many. One bite at a time is a great philosophy.

  • Thanks for the words of wisdom Jess. Somedays (although much more rare now) I have those moments when the food shovel reemerges and I think there’s a time limit on how long I have to eat. Those are usually bad days. Lately I work on “Hara Hachi Bu” (eating until 80% full) and trying to eat without distractions (as in not in front of a tv, computer, etc.) That’s my version of eating mindfully (on top of the choices of what I’m actually choosing to put in my mouth that is…)

    I’m proud of you! Can’t wait to meet you IRL.
    xo – Meegs

  • Great post Jessi! It sounded like you were talking about me. I eat way to fast and need to be reminded to slow down and let my body tell me it’s full. Thanks for the reminder! Keep up the great work!

  • Thanks guys! I had forgotten I wrote this guest post and it was just the reminder I needed, It was like past Jessi just reached through time punched me in the face.

  • Thanks for a most excellent reminder!! Eating too fast is one of the last things I seem to be struggling with. I actually put a little sign on the dining room chair opposite where I sit that says, “slow down.” I think I may need to refine it to “chew more slowly.” I think there are many reasons why I eat too fast, and it would probably serve me well to ponder them a little more thoughtfully.

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