
I seriously need someone running next to me that can scream this in my ear. Or I need this cool shirt:

If anyone has one laying around (I can now wear an xl comfortably), I’ll gladly take it off your hands.


Today’s run is definitely ranked up there with the hardest so far. It seems the middle run is always a push for me. The first run of the week has enough sleep and excitement (with some curiosity) built in that I can almost always get through it without much difficulty. The last run of the week, while lacking in the sleep department, has enough excitement build in (last run before moving on, mini graduation feeling) that it rarely poses a problem.

The middle run is a different story.

Today was even more difficult because I had the hardest time getting to sleep.  When one is so close to finishing a book it’s pretty much a assumption that your brain will fail to get sleepy when necessary.  I didn’t catch the zzzzz train until close to 12:45am and with a wake up call at 6:45am that makes for a short amount of sleep.

Long day previous + short sleep cycle = “Oh come on you got to me kidding me.  Can’t you just let one day go by?”.


No I can’t.

This is not an option for me.

I saw the number 241 on the scale this morning. This is why I can’t quit. This is why I can’t just let one day go by. Very soon the scale will say 240 and then it’s just a matter of time before 239 is singing it’s sweet glory to me.

I had to talk my way through about 90% of the run today. Out loud, I don’t care who can hear me, pep talk.  I actually stopped once during my second 5 minute run and took a few walking steps but then got right back into getting my thoughts cleared up and getting back to business. I didn’t care if I had to cry, scream or laugh my way through this I was going to finish and I was not going to be walking any of the run portions.

Slow and steady. Breathe…

Shake out the hands. Breathe…

You can do this. You deserve this. Breathe…

Today’s week 4 day 2 is over but not without it’s hardships.

I am officially half way through the couch to 5k program.


8 comments to Do.Not.Give.Up

  • Congratulations on making it to the halfway point!

    I swear it gets easier. I don’t usually swear, but honest it does.
    I did a (slower than you can possibly imagine) jog of 2 miles today.
    And it seemed like an easy jog.

    Yes, that was partially because I was going so slowly, but I think it was mostly because I had done a 4 mile jog last week. Your mind and your legs will adjust to things that seem an impossible dream right now.

    Also, some runs are just plain going to stink. And you’ll think that you’re doomed, you’re hopeless, it’s over. Yet if you go out and do the next run, it turns out to be just fine. There’s probably some rhyme or reason to this, but I don’t know what it is.

  • Hello.
    I started at 262.4.
    I am now 173 lbs.
    When I started. It seemed impossible.
    It’s not.
    You have the right attitude.
    I will be following (If I can find out how).
    Great blog. blogger.

  • oh, and that farmer’s blow thing…in track we called them snot rockets…the key is to plug the other nostril completely, bend over so as not to hit your shoes (or anything else) stand upwind, bend over and give a short sharp blow….down and away, down and away.

  • You’re doing great! I’m very jealous; I can’t wait to run. 🙂

  • You did it! It may not have been pretty, but it’s still done. Good for you. You’ve made it farther (longer runs) than I have been able to – yet. I will get there, but just a little slower.

    Keep up the good work!!

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