DDGBD Week #4 / Stuff…

Weight 178.7

Goals to accomplish by December:
Finish trek tri in under 2 hours
Dead lift 150 pounds (done)
Consistently run 10 minute mile (done)
Get into size 12 pants
Make my bed everyday

Proud moment:
9/11 – I ran for 8 miles at a consistent 10 minute mile. 8 miles = 80 minutes!!!

Need to work on the following:
I am starting a two week no scale challenge from my trainer. So that is my main focus right now. I’m pretty relieved actually. I feel like a weight (pun intended) has been lifted.


  • I’m hurt. It happened during my 8 mile run (the one up there). There were a lot of hills and I was wearing my vibrams = lots of running on the balls of my feet and I’m pretty sure I’ve strained my achilles tendon. I’m pretty freaked out about it. But it’s much more than that. I have a hard time not getting down on myself when stuff like this happens. It’s an easy hop to go from “oh man I’m hurt” to “oh man look at my saggy skin” and then a small skip to “you’ll never reach your first goal weight” and finally an even smaller jump to “way to fail again Tara”…
  • So to say I’m emotional this week is an understatement. Add to that, the current “no scale for two weeks” smack down from Godfather and I’m pretty much on the verge of tears at any given moment. Yes I am relieved that I don’t have to think about whether or not I’m getting on the scale (he said “if you step on it, you’re killing me”) but it’s still stressful not having those numbers validate me. For the most part I’m staying in the moment. However I am finding myself freaking out periodically over the idea of getting on the scale in two weeks and not seeing any movement.
  • The Trek Tri is next Sunday. I’m pretty sure I don’t need to explain how being hurt and having this event loom in my immediate future has put a fair amount of stress on my psyche. Trying to stay focused by doing things that I am physically capable of doing (swimming and non weight bearing exercises) and not beating myself up over things I am not physically capable of doing.
  • I’ve been spending a lot of time thinking about my own spirituality on this journey. I’m not quite ready to blog about it but I’m learning a lot about myself and my return to the church (if that’s is indeed what it is).
  • I’m really happy to be returning to work this week with a full time load beginning next week. I’ve had 3 months off to focus on my personal life and where I am in my commitment in this LCJ. I’ll need to learn how to balance work, gym (Godfather included) and my social network (which is still strange to say). I also have to go back to making my lunches and preparing to have enough food to keep me going for the return of the long days. I’ll need to retrain my body to get up super early in the morning to be on the gym floor and sweating no later than 530a. I still have my priorities.
  • Godfather bestowed another “Chuckism” on me today which I will need to think about turning into a full blown post soon: With Great Ability comes Great Responsibility.
  • I watched videos all day on how to change my tire in the event of a flat on Peppermint Patty. Random bullet yes, but I feel pretty hard core. I’ll be practicing later this evening.

17 comments to DDGBD Week #4 / Stuff…

  • Take heart, this too shall pass, and you will be stronger for it. If you need anything let me know <3

  • You can handle this tara, rest that foot and you’ll be back to fighting shape in no time

  • sharlaelizabeth

    I could have written that first bullet. I kinda did on my run recap… Sigh. In my head (and only re: me) injury = doing something wrong = wrong = fail= just quit. It’s a problem of knowing things in theory and then having them abandon me in my critical moments.

    I’m really looking forward to hearing all about your tri. I know you’re gonna ace it!

    Being able to change a flat tire on a bike is badass.

  • Dude. You inspire me! You’ve accomplished so much. Injury shminjury. It’ll heal and you’ll be right back.

    Isn’t funny how spirituality comes into play when you start treating your body with care?

  • Val

    It will be ok. You will have to do other exercises because you need to not aggravate your injury, but Godfather should help with that. If you don’t let it heal, it won’t. (I’m one to talk, finally starting PT for tendonitis in my shoulder after 5 weeks of pain and neuropathy). It is temporary, and you are on such a great path, don’t go astray because of one bump.

  • You’re pretty much still a rock star. You were DOING and LIVING enough to injure yourself, AND, instead of quitting, you’re finding OTHER ways of living to keep GOING. 🙂 I like that. :):)

    Your comment about great ability reminded me of a story Jesus told… Matthew 25:29 “Everyone who has will be given more, and he will have an abundance.” It’s (partly) about the responsibility we have to take care of what we’ve been given. It always encourages and pushes me on.

    Here’s the rest of it if you’re interested: http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+25&version=NIV verses 14-30.

  • hey tara,

    i signed up to do the DDGbD challenge, so it was good to see your post. congrats on the deadlift and learning how to change a tire!! the tire-changing is quite an empowering experience, i think. :o)

    just wanted to say that i hear & feel you on the bullet points. this week has/is going to be difficult for me too. i’m trying to be prepared and not feel defeated.

    will be interested to hear/read the spirituality post when you feel ready. and while i’m not a bible quoter most of the time, the godfather quote reminded me of different words from jesus than quoted above (those are good too): “to whom much is given, much is required.” (luke 12:48) no pressure. ha!

    hang in there! we’re all rooting for you!

  • So sorry to hear you hurt yourself….The truth of it is…..there is NO wound or mark or emotional scar or personal break down that could ever make you UNlovely. You have always been a lovely, gorgeous, strong, amazing, warrior….I find it interesting that you say you are revisiting your spiritual roots because of your journey…..I look forward to hearing your thoughts on that topic. I am incredibly happy for the beautiful you, that you are realizing was always there.

  • Congrats on the 185 pound dead-lift – that’s amazeballs! Being injured sucks, but you know – it’s kind of good, too. In that it gives you another opportunity to hear the chatter in your head and counteract it with what you KNOW to be true, instead of the silly lies the old Tara bought into hook, line, and sinker.

    Things I know about you:

    You’re an athlete and no matter what happens, that will remain true.
    You’re stronger than even YOU know.
    You’re in this for life.
    You’re healthier than you’ve ever been, physically AND emotionally.
    You’re not perfect and you have no illusions about that.
    You ARE becoming the best you you can be.

    Love you!

  • oh my gosh. 8 miles? You are kicking azz. I love how you have your goals set out. I just started putting my weekly goals on paper. It makes such a big difference in what I get done. I should add a “get gazillion dollaz” to the list and just wait to see happens, huh?

  • Tara, you are a frickin’ monster! (in the good way, not the bad way :)) You are unbelievable, and I aspire to be like you. Only not a girl, but just as bad-ass. 🙂

  • You’re pimp with your dead lifts and all. You rock.

  • Your weight is sooo low already. Of course, you’ll keep it moving downward, injured and without peeking on the scale. You’ve got this!

  • Mama

    First of all, I’m very proud of you! when does it roll over from life changing to: this is how i choose to live my life? Your love for Godfather shows tremendously however remember you’re the client, his role is to guide and suggest, I hope he is knowledgeable enough to create a workout plan around your injury. Nothing wrong with swimming in fact your weight may further go down because your not that active in the moment. Remember exercise is great, yet it shouldn’t be the strongest building block in your foundation. It’s just another demon showing itself to you. You can work through it! i’m glad the spirituality aspect is starting to shine slightly to you.

    • Godfathers is definitely knowledgeable on working around the injury. He told me to stay off of it but when I objected and said “I’m coming regardless so you can either be here to make sure nothing happens or you can let me go willy nilly” he made sure to know the latter was not an option.

  • […] the amazing Tara (who also completed her first triathlon—WAY TO GO […]

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