A picture post…including me

I love the TIWYF website…I also hate it. Hate it because in order for these bad boys to make it to the website you know these gluttonous creations of evilness are being consumed on a regular basis by people who for some ungodly reason think a)it’s good b) it’s okay to consume and c)…well just look at some of these pictures.

Cadbury Creme Eggs Benedict

Sliced doughnuts topped with brownie mix, melted Cadbury Creme Eggs and frosting, garnished with red sprinkles and served with fried pound cake chunks.

A rough estimate of calories for that dish = 1552

The Hickory Rancher

1/2 pound beef patty, muenster cheese, 7 pieces of maple bacon, sauteed onions and a housemade honey hickory BBQ sauce on a kaiser roll.

Calorie count = approx 1375. That’s lowballing it and doesn’t include what looks to be sweet potato fries and the ginormous shake.

The Flatline Burger

Double bacon cheeseburger with peanut butter deep fried and served with two sides of chipotle mayo.

First off…gross! Second off lowball calorie = 1350 (not including deep frying calories)


Pretty self explanatory.  Each bite carries about 126 calories each. Now I don’t know about you but I’m guessing the entire box is getting consumed.

Cherpumple Pie

Bottom: pumpkin pie inside a spice cake, middle: apple pie inside a yellow cake, top: cherry pie inside a white cake, all surrounded by cream cheese frosting.

I can’t even begin to try to figure out the calorie in this monster. 3 pies, 3 cakes with frosting = WTF!??!

Chocolate covered bacon maple donut bar

Again pretty self explanatory and gonna run you about 700 calories.

And Finally…

Upside Down Mac & Cheese Pizza

A layer of mac & cheese sandwiched between two cheese pizzas.

Because neither the cheese pizza or the box of macroni and cheese is enough. This thing will run you about 900 calories PER SLICE!!!

Okay here’s a picture totally off topic. It’s of me. The reason I’m posting it is because it was snapped this morning by my husband while I was waiting to go to work. I want everyone to look closely…

There is no double chin!!!!! Go back and look if you need to…I’ll wait.

(insert waiting music)

How cool is that?

Oh and a little sneaky peek at some tattoos. I have 36.

Yes I said 36.

5 comments to A picture post…including me

  • That’s awesome! Yay for no double chin! 🙂

    Now, as far as these 36 tattoos go… I’m going to need a detailed description of both tattoo and location. 🙂

  • Anon

    I was thrilled to scroll through the bad food pics and realize that none of them appealed to me. Until I got to the mac and cheese pizza. And I’m now having an internal battle about whether I should google where they serve it in my state… If I planned well, one slice might be an awesome dinner one night…

  • The last picture was great! The others… ugh.

  • supersecretagentfreak

    I’d actually eat some of those things above. You’re too cool with the loss of a double chin. so much for that character aye? good riddance as far as anyone is concerned. Wow someone likes ink don’t they? 😛

  • Ugh, that food just looks so over the top and gross. People actually eat that stuff? Wow!

    Congrats on no double chin!!! You’ve been working really hard to burn it off. 🙂

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