
I am not a product whore.

It’s hard not to be while on this life changing journey that centers around weight loss. We are inundated with different products supposedly invented to help us lose weight, eat well, be happy, fart rainbows, run marathons, fit into a size 6, get rid of heat rash, and/or miraculously take away our excess skin that flaps and makes an embarrassing noise if anyone is within ear shot.

Spend some time on this journey and you know how easily it is to pimp yourself out for free products. We essentially become the prostitutes for the weight loss industry.

One of the things I’ve tried to adhere too is not approaching companies asking for free samples / products in return for a product review. I didn’t lose my weight using any specific product. I only used a calories in / calories out approach and my Polar HRM (here is my shameless plug for them). I didn’t use beachbody, or shakeology. I didn’t use weight watchers or prepacked meals that I had mailed to me…

Because I am a “quiet” product user I am often surprised when I am contacted by a company asking if they can send me some product for me to try and of course give my honest opinion about what I thought. If you take the time to find me, contact me and have a little patience about when I can find the time to get out a review, I will obliged and do so with appreciation.

So when Suzanne Xie, co-founder of Lollihop sent me the following email: ” You have an awesome blog and an amazing story. As a longtime blogger who is just starting to pay more attention to what I eat, I’m so glad I came across your site when looking for new ways eat well and live better. I wanted to reach out to you since I’m working on a product to make healthy eating more enjoyable and accessible. It’s a little box that I’d love to snail mail to you. If you could let me know your mailing address so that we can send it out this week, that would be amazing. Thanks and be well! ” I sent back a simple reply of “send anything you’d like snail mail” and I waited…

I had to gank this from because I forgot to take a picture before I shoved something in my piehole!

Holy “this is some good stuff” Batman!

The best part about this little box of goodness that showed up in at my door is I had no idea what was coming. The emails sent back and forth were simple and unrevealing. When I finally got my hot little hands on the Lollihop box, I opened it and it was like a little ray of sunshine was shining in my face. I didn’t know where to begin and I didn’t want to sit down and open up everything all in one day.

I took my time.

And it was worth it.

Lollihop has a great new product ready to launch and if I wasn’t moving to Nova Scotia in a few short months I would actually register for their monthly boxes of tasty little treats. At first glance they seem to be a little on the pricey side but with 8 snacks (most of which can be divided into multiple snacks) consisting of a variety of gluten free, vegan, and organic possibilities you’ll quickly find that the 6 month or 12 month subscription is worth it. Also noteworthy is the free shipping included on multi-month subscriptions…

Of course there were some snacks I enjoyed more than others (the Somersaults, Terra Chips, and the GoMacro bar were my favorites) but in the end I enjoyed everything that was sent…

And now you can too!!

What’s the point of a good product review if there wasn’t a give-a-way attached to it? Suzanne has been giving these boxes away left and right and for good reason: This stuff is worth buying. For the next week (until Friday October 7th) you all have a chance to get October’s box of goodness (oh what could possibly be in there?). Unfortunately this only applies to my US readers (trust me I’m heart broken over this too as I will soon be a Haligonian).

Because I like them so much I’m going to make you jump through the obligatory hoops (separate comment for each):

  • Leave me a comment here and tell me you love not only me (cause while I am not a product whore, I am an attention whore) but that you hope to love Lollihop as well.
  • Go to Lollihop’s FACEBOOK page and like them, then leave a comment that says “Tara, over at lifechangingjourney thinks you’re the bomb”  (link me your comment)
  • Head over to Lollihop’s TWITTER page and follow them. Then come back here and let me know.
  • Finally after all is said and done come back and leave me another comment answering the following question: “I love myself today because……”
Four opportunities to win! Four opportunities to get your healthy little hands on some delicious morsels for you tummy and feel good about what your eating!!!       GOOD LUCK AND HAPPY SNACKING!

32 comments to Give-(Lollihop)-A-Way!!!

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